Also a letter to Benjamin – this must have been written in 1868 as John Kemp died in 1866 (Age 74)
My darling boy,
It is two mails since I had the opportunity of writing to you I have been in great trouble. My boys have been ill and myself nearly worn out waiting on them. I fear it will be more than I can do but the God knows which is best and as trouble is the lot of all I cannot expect to escape.
I only pray my father to stand by to strengthen me that I fail not to pass through the furnace purified through the blood of the blessed Jesus.
How I hope you got all the former letters and the book “Mothers last words” I sent for my precious child.
How is my dear sister. I hope she has got safely over her confinement and that you have a merry little face added to your family circle.
I should like to peep at you once with these poor old eyes of mine before I go home.
Oh how much I have to mourn for in my sinful self and how much to be thankful for to my dear God, blessed be His name for all His mercies. It is nearly two years since our father was called away. What mercy there was in it for had he been spared another year I cannot think what I would have done alone.
I can struggle, but with him poor dear it would have been impossible, so you see the mercy and goodness ought to make me faithful and thankful and sing truly mercy and goodness have followed me all the days of my life.
I send a book this post for one of my pets. If I ever have my likeness taken I will send you one. I heard from Sussane the other day. She says she has not had an answer to the one she sent you, but she may before you get this.
Love Zoa.